
Generate an event link or button for your page and allow guests to add this event to many different calendars. Supports Google Calendar, Outlook, Yahoo, and IOS.

2019-05-04 12:00:00 2019-05-04 18:00:00 America/New_York Star Wars Day Party May the force be with you Tatooine Luke Skywalker Add to Calendar

Add to Google Calendar Add to iCal Add to Outlook Calendar Add to Yahoo Calendar Add to Outlook Online Calendar
  1.  <span class="linktocalendar ltc-style-blue">
  2.  <var class="ltc_event">
  3.  <var class="ltc_date_start">2019-05-04 12:00:00</var>
  4.  <var class="ltc_date_end">2019-05-04 18:00:00</var>
  5.  <var class="ltc_timezone">America/New_York</var>
  6.  <var class="ltc_title">Standup Meeting</var>
  7.  <var class="ltc_description">Event Description</var>
  8.  <var class="ltc_location">Earth</var>
  9.  <var class="ltc_organizer">Nick Huber</var>
  10. <var class="ltc_organizer_email">Nick@Huber.Dev</var>
  11. </var>
  12. </span>

enterprise integration

Why use LinkToCalendar?

Have you ever wanted to send an email to various people and have a single unifying way to add your event to any calendar service and time zone? Thats where we come in! Simple generate your links with our form below or generate them on the fly with code!


You can email me at with feature requests or problems you may be encountering.

Send in Emails

Since sending out an image with a link uses no javascript it can be sent through any email service.


The button supports all modern browsers and platforms: iOS, iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows, Blackberry.

Customizable style

Change appearance, colors and fonts for better integration into your website style.

How to Use:

Step 1) Include under <body> <script src=""><script>

Step 2) Include under <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>

Step 3) Now place your Link To Calendar code snippet like below and it will generate the button.

  1.  <span class="linktocalendar ltc-style-blue">
  2.  <var class="ltc_event">
  3.  <var class="ltc_date_start">2019-05-04 12:00:00</var>
  4.  <var class="ltc_date_end">2019-05-04 18:00:00</var>
  5.  <var class="ltc_timezone">America/New_York</var>
  6.  <var class="ltc_title">Standup Meeting</var>
  7.  <var class="ltc_description">Event Description</var>
  8.  <var class="ltc_location">Earth</var>
  9.  <var class="ltc_organizer">Nick Huber</var>
  10. <var class="ltc_organizer_email">Nick@Huber.Dev</var>
  11. </var>
  12. </span>

Fill in the form

Your success is our success

You can use Link to Calendar links in your email marketing campaigns or in the event management tools (MailChimp, Gmail, Marketo, Salesforce, CampaignMonitor, Constant Contact, others) or in social networks (Facebook, Twitter). Fill in the Form and copy links to your html email.

Service integrations

Partners integration

Right technology

Get discovered

Fill in the Form and copy links to your html email.

The recurrence start. Besides being the base for the recurrence, missing parameters in the final recurrence instances will also be extracted from this date. If not given, new Date will be used instead.
If given, this must be a Date instance, that will specify the limit of the recurrence. If a recurrence instance happens to be the same as the Date instance given in the until argument, this will be the last occurrence.
How many occurrences will be generated.
The interval between each freq iteration. For example, when using RRule.YEARLY, an interval of 2 means once every two years, but with RRule.HOURLY, it means once every two hours. The default interval is 1.
The week start day. Must be one of the RRule.MO, RRule.TU, RRule.WE constants, or an integer, specifying the first day of the week. This will affect recurrences based on weekly periods. The default week start is RRule.MO.
If given, it must be either an integer ( 0 == RRule.MO), a sequence of integers, one of the weekday constants ( RRule.MO, RRule.TU, etc), or a sequence of these constants. When given, these variables will define the weekdays where the recurrence will be applied. It's also possible to use an argument n for the weekday instances, which will mean the nth occurrence of this weekday in the period. For example, with RRule.MONTHLY, or with RRule.YEARLY and BYMONTH, using RRule.FR.clone(+1) in byweekday will specify the first friday of the month where the recurrence happens. Notice that the RFC documentation, this is specified as BYDAY, but was renamed to avoid the ambiguity of that argument.
If given, it must be either an integer, or a sequence of integers, meaning the months to apply the recurrence to.
The timezone for the rule. If present, all recurrences will be interpreted as being in the local time of the given timezone. If not present, UTC will be used instead.
  and    to your HTML email these links: